Rock Universe

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Brief Bio

I received my Ph.D. degress at University of Bologna in 2024, under the co-supervision of Prof.Stefano Mattoccia and Prof.Matteo Poggi.

I’m also working with Fabio Tosi, Filippo Aleotti, Xin Qiao, Chaoqiang Zhao and Huan Li.

Research Topics

  • 3D Reconstruction (Especially with neural implicit representation)
  • SLAM (Especially deep-learning based and NeRF based)
  • Depth estimation incluing: Stereo Matching, Depth Completion, (Supervised/Unsupervised) Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Optical/Scene Flow

News and Media




  • Aug 2022: 1 Paper Accepted by 3DV 2022: MonoViT.


  • Dec 2020: 1 Paper Accepted by AAAI 2021: adaGM.
  • Jun 2020: 1 Paper Accepted by ICPR 2021: HMFlow.


  • Nov 2019: 1 Paper Accpeted by AAAI 2020: AcfNet.

Reviewers for

ECCV 2024, CVPR 2024, AAAI 2024, CVPR 2023, ICCV 2023, AAAI 2023, IROS 2023, RAL, Pattern Recognition